
Minggu, 31 Agustus 2008






Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008

Persyaratan Permohonan Izin Prinsip Pembangunan Tempat Ibadat di Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Persyaratan Permohonan Izin Prinsip Pembangunan Tempat Ibadat di Provinsi DKI Jakarta
(Sesuai SK Gubernur Propinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 137 Tahun 2002)


  1. Ketua Badan Pertimbangan Pembangunan Tempat-tempat Ibadah
  2. Kanwil departemen Agama Provinsi DKI Jakarta
  3. Walikota/Bupati yang bersangkutan
  4. Dinas Tata Kota Provinsi DKI Jakarta
  5. Dinas Penataan dan Pengawasan Bangunan Provinsi DKI Jakarta
  6. Forum kerukunan Umat Beragama (FKUB) Provinsi DKI Jakarta
III. Syarat-syarat
  1. Rekomendasi dari Kepala Kanwil Departemen Agama Provinsi DKI Jakarta
  2. Rekomendasi dari FKUB Provinsi DKI Jakarta
  3. Pertimbangan dari Walikota / Bupati yang bersangkutan
  4. Surat Keterangan dari Lurah setempat yang menyebutkan tentang keperluan nyata dan sungguh-sungguh berdasarkan komposisi jumlah pemeluk agama yang bersangkutan.
  5. Surat Keterangan tentang status tanah dari Kantor Pertanahan / Sertifikat tanah dari BPN (termasuk Akte Wakaf dari KUA setempat atau keterangan lain dari instansi terkait).
  6. Untuk pembangunan tempat ibadat dilokasi yang milik / asset Pemda berada di Surat izin pemanfaatan pengelolaan tanah dari instansi terkait.
  7. Keterangan Rencana Kota dari Dinas Tata Kota.
  8. Daftar susunan Panitia Pembangunan Tempat Ibadat yang diketahui pejabat setempat.
  9. Rencana Anggaran biaya yang dibutuhkan
  10. Daftar nama dan kartu tanda penduduk setempat sebagai pengguna tempat ibadat paling sedikit 90 (sembilan puluh) orang yang disahkan lurah setempat
  11. Situasi masyarakat yang kondusif dibuktikan dengan dukungan masyarakat /tokoh masyararakat setempat , paling sedikit 60 orang disertai / dibuktikan dengan pernyataan tertulis dengan melampirkan identitas diri yang sah berupa foto copy Kartu tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang disahkan oleh Lurah dan Camat setempat.
  12. Berkas permohonan tersebut di buat rangkap 10 (sepuluh)

Untuk saat ini Berkas yang telah selesai di urus
1. Daftar nama penduduk setempat dan KTP (belum disertai tanda tangan dan disahkan lurah)
2. Rencana kota
3. Rencana anggaran biaya
4. Daftar susunan Panitia Pembangunan
5. Surat Keterangan tentang status tanah

Pengurus Masjid yang mengurus surat-surat tersebut adalah Bpk. Bambang Lesmono dibantu saya M. Irvan


Jumat, 15 Agustus 2008

Acara Nisfu Sya'ban



Hal : Acara Nisfu Sya’ban

Assalamu ‘alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Kepada Kaum Muslimin dan Muslimat Warga Komplek Deplu Gandaria Selatan dan sekitarnya dengan ini diberitahukan, bahwa Mesjid Al Mukhlisin akan menyelenggarakan acara Nisfu Sya’ban dan sekaligus menyambut datangnya bulan Ramadhan 1428 H, yang Insya Allah diselenggarakan pada :

Hari / Tanggal : Minggu, 17 Agustus 2008

Jam : 18.00 WIB

Tempat : Mesjid Al Mukhlisin

Acara : Membaca Surat Yasiin bersama.

Sehubungan dengan itu, kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Sdr., para Jama’ah Mesjid Al-Mukhlisin serta kaum muslimin dan Muslimat untuk hadir dalam acara tersebut, dan dimohon untuk membawa Yasiin masing-masing.

Demikian kiranya Bapak/Ibu/Sdr., selalu dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat dan berkesempatan hadir pada acara tersebut.

Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Wassalamu alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Jakarta, 13 Agustus 2008

Surat Edaran Pengajian

Assalamu ‘alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Dengan ini kami sampaikan dengan hormat kepada Bapak / Ibu, bahwa Pengurus Mesjid Al Mukhlisin bekerjasama dengan RW 03 Kelurahan Gandaria Selatan, akan menyelenggarakan Ceramah / pengajian dalam rangka menyambut Peringatan Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke 63 yang Insya Allah diselenggarakan pada :

Hari / Tanggal : Jum’at, 15 Aguustus 2008

Jam : Ba’dha Isya (19.30 WIB)

Tempat : Mesjid Al Mukhlisin

Penceramah : Ustad DR. Oemar Shahab M.A

Thema : Meningkatkan rasa cinta tanah air sebagai ibadah.

Sehubungan dengan itu, kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Sdr., para Jama’ah Mesjid Al-Mukhlisin serta kaum muslimin dan Muslimat pada umumnya untuk menghadiri acara tersebut.

Demikian kiranya Bapak/Ibu/Sdr., dalam keadaan sehat dan berkesempatan hadir pada acara tersebut.

Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Wassalamu alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Jakarta, 10 Agustus 2008

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

Proposal Al Mukhlisin Mosque

Assalamu'alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

With firstly saying bismillahirrahmannirrahim, we the Al Mukhlisin Mosque Construction Comitee are planing to build a new mosque to replace the existing one in the Foreign Affairs Housing Complex in South Gandaria, Jakarta Indonesia.

In the planning stages, the committee has set up plans to build a new mosque that can not only be used for daily prayers but can be the center of activity for the community. In hope of creating an institution of learning that can help build a strong Islamic foundation for young muslims in the surrounding areas.

The mosque is planned to consist of two main areas, the front end and the back end. The front end will be the main floor that will act as a multifunction room spanning an area of 350 m² which will conect to the back end that will consist of two floors with an extent of 144 m².

The main floor will be used as the designated praying area and a multifunction room while the first floor will be used as office space for daily operational activities for the mosque’s staff.

The expected expenditure to build the new mosque is expected to be around IDR. 3 billion or US$ 330,000. We are hoping that we can amass those funds from kind domestic and international donators.

With that in mind, we are hoping for your willingness to participate in the construction of our beloved mosque. Your kind participation can be in the form of helping us through donating to our charity fundraising. For further information on the committee’s plan included in this letter is the mosque construction proposal.

To participate in our cause please fill in the participation form and send it via mail to: Jl. Cendrawasih Kompleks Deplu Gandaria Selatan, Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan or fa0/phonex us at 62-21-766-0528.

Donations can be transfered to the committee’s accounts at Bank Mandiri Fatmawati Branch account no. : 127 000467 2414 (IDR) or 127 000479 3756 (US$).

For further information on the mosque and the committee please visit our blog at For questions or inquieries feel free to contact us at our address or phone number noted above, or contact us through email at:

We are hoping and waiting for your contribution towards our cause. Insya Allah all your good deeds and charity be accepted by Allah SWT. Amen.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb.

Al-Mukhlisin Construction Committee

Drs. T. A.Ghaffar Fadyl H. Susilo Siswoutomo

Ketua Sekretaris



Historical Background

With the blessing form the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Department, the Al Mukhlisin mosque was built on an 870m² areal of certificated land and has been used by surrounding Muslims since its conception in 1976.

The mosque is located in Cendrawasih Street, South Gandaria Foreign Affairs Housing Complex adjacent to Fatmawati Street, one of South Jakarta’s main streets. The Jema’ah that use the mosque include residents of the complex and its surroundings, students from Cendrawasih High School, and workers from nearby offices like the Education & Culture Department Directorate, Bank Mandiri, Bank Mualmalat, Bank Buana UOB, and various other government and private institutions around the mosque.

Purpose and Objective

The purpose of the Al Mukhlisin Mosque Construction Project is to better accommodate the mosque’s Jema’ah and to better fulfill its duty of spreading Islam’s magnificence.

Other than that, the new mosque is intended to:

· Better facilitate the mosque so it does not have to use public facilities to conduct its daily, weekly, or annual programs, as not to bother activities of the general public.

· To optimize the mosque’s social activities towards spreading Islam’s magnificence.

· To upgrade the mosque’s function so it would not only be a place of worship but can also act as an Islamic Community Center.

I. The Mosque Building

The construction project will be done in stages as not to bother routine worship or other activities during the building stages.

The mosque will be totally revamped into a new building with two floors, a turret dome and bilal towers. Layout of the two floors will be as follow:


The ground floor will become the will be the mosque’s center of operations, equipped with a class room, language lab, class room/meeting room, the foundation’s office, TPA’s office, Al Mukhlisin Youth Organization’s office, a multifunction room that can be used for seminars, training sessions, library, family/community gatherings or even additional praying space.


Second floor will consist as the main praying area, a holy area which will be used for daily, weekly, and annual prayers and parts of the area will alos be used as a multifunction room.


The construction of the new mosque will need funds of around Rp 3 billion with details as follows:

Ø Preliminary Work Rp. 36.864.000

Ø Landscape and Tunneling Costs Rp. 54.470.000

Ø Concrete Foundation Costs Rp. 1.138.730.860

Ø Roof Top Costs (4 Turrets) Rp. 461.540.300

Ø Wall and Decorative Wall Tile Fitting Costs Rp. 308.435.300

Ø Doors and Windows costs Rp. 209.000.000

Ø Ceiling Construction Costs Rp. 120.675.000

Ø Floor Construction Costs Rp. 114.404.000

Ø Painting Costs Rp. 77.638.000

Ø Electrical, Air and Sound Circulation Costs Rp. 235.850.000

Ø Plumbing Installation Costs Rp. 40.780.000

Ø Gardening / Exterior costs Rp. 58.180.000

Ø Sub Total Rp. 2.856.567.460

5 % Contingency SUM available Rp. 142.828.373

Total Construction Cost Rp. 2.999.395.833


The construction of the mosque will be done gradually, starting from the back end, as to not disturb the daily prayer rituals in the front half of the mosque. Construction will begin after enough funds have been collected to construct the back end of the mosque.


The funds raised to construct the new mosque are expected to come from the following sources:

v Residents of the South Gandaria Foreign Affairs Housing Complex, at the moment the committee has raised around Rp 100 million from charitable donation from the complex residents alone.

v Charitable donations from domestic and international institutions.

v Charitable donations from friendly nations.

v Charitable donations from local and central government institutions.

v Donations from surrounding companies, individual hibah, etc.

v Sales of wakaf charters with nominal values from Rp. 250,000 up to Rp. 1,000,000.

v Donations from the general public in the forms of infak, sodaqoh or zakat mal.


The planning, fund raising and upcoming construction of the new Al-Mukhlisin Mosque is conducted and supervised by an independent, professional, efficient and transparent committee. This committee was established by the Al Mukhlisin Cendrawasih Foundation, which is registered in the Indonesian Law and Human Rights Department under registration No. C 2840. HT. 01.02 on December 7th 2007.

The Al Mukhlisin Cendrawasih Foundation is a legal, independent, transparent, and professional non-profit organization that was established and managed by Muslim residents of the South Gandaria Foreign Affairs Housing Complex.

The Al Mukhlisin Mosque holds a dear place in the eyes of the community and fulfills a certain necessity because it not only seen as a place of prayer but also functions as a community center for its surroundings. For the successful completion of the Construction Project that we have developed we hope for your kind participation and helpful hand towards reaching our goals.

For more information and further details on the Al Mukhlisin Mosque Construction Project or the Al Mukhlisin Cendrawasih Foundation, you can accesses our blog at or email us at or call our office at +62-21-766-0528

Berita Pembangunan Masjid

No. : 089/YALMIC/VIII/2008

Lamp. : -

Perihal : Mohon bantuan untuk Renovasi

Kepada Yth.

Bpk. Walikota

Jakarta Selatan



Assalamu alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Sehubungan dengan akan diadakannya Renovasi Masjid Al Mukhlisin yang terletak di Jl. Cendrawasih Komplek Deplu Gandaria Selatan kami mohon bantuannya untuk mendapatkan perizinan (IMB).

Adapun syarat-syarat yang diminta Pemda DKI sudah kami laksanakan. Atas kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Jakarta, 6 Agustus 2008

Pantia Pembangunan Masjid Al Mukhlisin

Persyaratan Pendirian Tempat-tempat Ibadah / Kegiatan Agama Berdasarkan Peraturan Bersama Menteri Agama dan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor : 9 Tahun 2006 dan Nomor 8 Tahun 2006 :

  1. Surat keterangan dari lurah setempat mengenai kebenaran lokasi tanah dan status kepemilikan tidak dalam sengketa (sudah dibuat)
  2. Rekomendasi Walikotamadya (sedang dalam proses)
  3. Surat keterangan tentang status tanah dari Kantor Pertanahan setempat atau Akte Wakaf dari KUA setempat (sudah dibuat)
  4. Daftar jumlah umat yang akan menggunakan tempat ibadah yang berdomisili disekitarnya paling sedikit sekitar 90 orang dan diketahui oleh lurah setempat (sudah dibuat)
  5. Keterangan Rencana Kota dari Dinas Tata Kota (sudah dibuat)
  6. Rencana gambar Bangunan (Sudah dibuat)
  7. Daftar Susunan pengurus / Panitia pembangunan tempat ibadah tersebut (sudah dibuat)
  8. Daftar rincian biaya yang dibutuhkan (sudah dibuat)
  9. Keterangan persetujuan masyarakat/tokoh masyarakat paling sedikit 60 orang yang dilegalisir oleh lurah setempat (sudah dibuat)
  10. Berkas permohonan tersebut dibuat rangkap 2 (2)

Buletin Masjid Edisi 05

Akhirnya bisa ngeposting Buletin lagi.